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officers [2024/02/15 23:52]
ppwood [2023-2024 Officers]
officers [2025/01/16 09:16] (current)
ablarsen update emails and info
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-====== ​2023-2024 Officers ======+====== 2024-2025 Officers ======
-^ Position ^ Name ^ Program ^ Office ​^ Email ^ +Current Officers 
-Interim ​President ​(Winter and Spring Quarter) ​| Peyton Wood | Math | MSB ____ | <​[email protected]>​ | +^ Position ^ Name ^ Email ^ 
-| Vice President | Acadia Larsen | Applied Math | MSB ____ | <>​ | +| President| Peyton Wood | <​[email protected]>​ | 
-| Treasurer ​(Winter and Spring Quarter) ​| Stephanie Gaston | Math MSB ____ | <>​ | +| Vice President | Evuilynn Nguyen ​| <>​ | 
-| GPC Rep | Alex Simons | Math | MSB ____ |<>​ | +| Treasurer | Stephanie Gaston | <​[email protected]> ​| 
-| GGAM Committee Rep | Selma Strango | Applied Math | MSB ____ | <>​ | +| Secretary | Anouk Brose | <>​ | 
-| UPC Rep | Kelli Loritsch | Applied Math MSB ____ | <>​ | +| GPC Rep | Cody Strouse ​| <>​ | 
-| Lead GSA Rep | Darian Sorenson ​ ​| ​Applied Math MSB ____ | <>​ |+| GGAM Committee Rep | Ana Sammel ​| <>​ | 
 +| UPC Rep | Kelli Loritsch | <​[email protected]> ​| 
 +| Lead GGAM GSA Rep| Aidan Epperly ​| <>​ | 
 +| Lead GMAT GSA Rep|  ​Connor FitzGerald ​<​[email protected]> ​| 
 +| Social Events Chair | Ally Nagasawa-Hinck| <[email protected]>​ | 
 +| DRC Rep | Alex Simons | <​[email protected]>​ | 
 +| Web person | Acadia Larsen | <>​ |
-| President (Resigned)| Elysée Wilson-Egolf ​ | Math | MSB ____  | <​[email protected]>​ | +====== Past Officers ======
-| Interim President (Fall Quarter) | Ryan Christopher Moreno-Vasquez| Math | MSB ____ | <​[email protected]>​ | +
-| Treasurer (Fall Quarter) | Peyton Wood | Math | MSB ____ | <​[email protected]>​ |+
-====== Past Officers ======+===== 2023-2024 ​Officers ==== 
 +  * **President(s):​** ​ Peyton Wood (Winter-Spring), ​ Ryan Christopher Moreno-Vasquez (Fall), Elysée Wilson-Egolf (Summer/​Resigned) 
 +  * **Vice President:​** Acadia Larsen 
 +  * **Treasurer:​** Peyton Wood (Fall), Stephanie Gaston (Winter-Spring) 
 +  * **Secretary** Camille Korbut 
 +  * **GPC Rep:** Alex Simons 
 +  * **GGAM Committee Rep:** Selma Strango 
 +  * **UPC Rep:​** ​ Kelli Loritsch 
 +  * **Lead GSA Rep:** Darian Sorenson 
 +  * **Social Events Chair** Tait Weicht  
 ===== 2022-2023 Officers ===== ===== 2022-2023 Officers =====
officers.1708069942.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/15 23:52 by ppwood